Rare Breed Trigger Maintenance: Keeping Your Firearm in Top Shape

Proper maintenance of the Rare Breed Trigger (RBT) is crucial for ensuring optimal performance, longevity, and reliability of both the trigger and your firearm. The RBT’s advanced design and forced reset mechanism require specific care to maintain its functionality and prevent issues. This article provides essential maintenance tips to keep your Rare Breed Trigger and firearm in top shape.

1. Routine Cleaning

Regular Cleaning Schedule:
Establish a routine cleaning schedule for your firearm, including the Rare Breed Trigger. Regular cleaning helps remove debris, carbon buildup, and other residues that can affect the trigger’s performance. Aim to clean your firearm after each use, especially if it has been exposed to dirt, moisture, or other contaminants.

Cleaning Process:
- Disassembly: Start by safely unloading your firearm and disassembling it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Remove the trigger assembly from the lower receiver to access the trigger components.
- Cleaning Components: Use a non-abrasive brush or cloth to clean the trigger components, focusing on the trigger, sear, and disconnector. Avoid using harsh chemicals or solvents that could damage the trigger.
- Lubrication: Apply a light coat of firearm lubricant to the moving parts of the trigger assembly. Use a lubricant that is suitable for the specific materials used in the Rare Breed Trigger. Avoid over-lubricating, as excess lubricant can attract dirt and debris.

2. Inspection and Adjustment

Regular Inspections:
Perform regular inspections of the Rare Breed Trigger to ensure that all components are in good condition. Check for signs of wear, damage, or abnormal functioning. Address any issues promptly to maintain optimal performance and safety.

Adjustment Procedures:
- Trigger Pull: If your RBT has adjustable settings, ensure that the trigger pull weight and other adjustments are set according to your preferences. Refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for adjustment procedures.
- Reset Mechanism: Verify that the forced reset mechanism is functioning correctly. The trigger should reset automatically as the bolt carrier group cycles. Test the reset mechanism to ensure smooth operation and reliable performance.

3. Storage and Protection

Safe Storage:
When not in use, store your firearm and Rare Breed Trigger in a clean, dry environment. Avoid exposing the firearm to moisture or extreme temperatures, which can affect the trigger’s performance and the overall condition of the firearm.

Protective Measures:
- Gun Safe: Store your firearm in a gun safe or secure storage area to protect it from unauthorized access and environmental factors.
- Protective Coatings: Consider using protective coatings or rust preventatives to safeguard the trigger and other metal components from corrosion and wear.

4. Troubleshooting Common Issues

Trigger Malfunction:
If you experience issues with the Rare Breed Trigger, such as failure to reset or inconsistent performance, perform the following steps:
- Check for Debris: Inspect the trigger assembly for any debris or obstructions that may be affecting operation.
- Verify Installation: Ensure that the trigger is properly installed and that all components are correctly aligned.
- Consult the Manufacturer: Refer to the manufacturer’s troubleshooting guide or contact their customer support for assistance with persistent issues.

Wear and Tear:
Over time, some wear and tear is inevitable. Monitor the condition of the trigger components and replace any parts that show signs of significant wear or damage. Using high-quality replacement parts and following proper installation procedures will help maintain performance.

5. Professional Maintenance

Gunsmith Services:
For more complex maintenance tasks or repairs, consider seeking the assistance of a professional gunsmith. A qualified gunsmith can perform detailed inspections, adjustments, and repairs to ensure that your Rare Breed Trigger and firearm are functioning at their best.

Manufacturer Support:
If you encounter issues that cannot be resolved through routine maintenance, contact the manufacturer for support. They can provide guidance on repairs, replacement parts, and warranty coverage.

6. Legal and Safety Considerations

Adherence to Regulations:
Ensure that any maintenance or modifications performed on your Rare Breed Trigger comply with federal, state, and local regulations. Familiarize yourself with any legal requirements related to firearm components and modifications.

Safety Practices:
Always follow safety practices when handling and maintaining your firearm. Keep the firearm unloaded and follow proper procedures for disassembly, cleaning, and reassembly. Prioritize safety to prevent accidents and ensure reliable operation.


Maintaining the Rare breed Trigger Rare Breed Trigger involves regular cleaning, inspection, and proper care to ensure optimal performance and longevity. By following a routine maintenance schedule, addressing common issues, and seeking professional assistance when needed, you can keep your Rare Breed Trigger and firearm in top shape.

Proper maintenance not only enhances the performance of your Rare Breed Trigger but also contributes to the overall reliability and safety of your firearm. By adhering to these maintenance tips and staying informed about best practices, you can enjoy the full benefits of your Rare Breed Trigger while ensuring its continued functionality and effectiveness.

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